Instructions for video presentations
Video requirements
Papers will be allocated a presentation time of 5-8 minutes.
Videos should be prepared according to the following guidelines:
- Aspect ratio: 16:9 (1280x720)
- Format: MP4
- Video Codec: H.264 using High Profile (HiP) and in Progressive Mode
- Audio Codec: AAC or AAC+
- Video name: {Workshop acronym} - Paper_{number of your paper in Easychair}.mp4
(E.g., AIxIA DP - Paper_1.mp4)
If your video recorder does not record with these options, you can transcode using Handbrake (see or by using ffmpeg from the command line with the following command:
ffmpeg -i <input> -b:v 400k -movflags faststart <output>.mp4
Compressing/transcoding your video is highly recommended to produce a file of reasonable size (less than 100 MB).
Recording your video
You can use the video recording program of your choice, provided that the video respects the requirements above.
Some video recording tools you can use are listed below.
Multiplatform: Open BroadCaster (Windows, Mac, Linux) and ActivePresenter (Windows, Mac) are advanced tools for videolectures and allow simultaneous recording of audio, webcam, screen (full or portion), and more. They are both configurable for exporting directly in the correct format (mpeg-4, with extension mp4) you can also select the audio-video quality.
Mac: the Screenshot system app allows you to record the whole screen, a portion of it or even just one window application. Basic editing can be done with Fast time. Encoding in mp4 can be done with ffmpeg as explained above.
iPad OS: The operating system provides a feature for screen recording (for more information visit Once captured, the video is saved in the photo gallery and must be copied to a computer and converted into the correct format as shown above.
Ubuntu and derivatives: Here you can find a list of solutions together with the related features and instructions for installation. As with Mac, subsequent mp4 encoding can be performed with ffmpeg, as explained above (in case you don't have ffmpeg: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg).
Android: A minimal, free and ad-free app for recording screen videos is ScreenRecorder. It has efficient codecs (H.264 or H.265) and offers the possibility to set the video resolution to decrease the file size. Combining it with a PDF viewer (e.g., Xodo) you can easily record videos. Use the qt-faststart option (qt-faststart <input>.mp4 <output>.mp4).
Uploading your video
You will receive detailed instructions from the organizers of your workshop. They will send you a link to upload your video on a Dropbox folder together with the PDF of your slides.
Please, for the slides PDF file follow the same naming convention required for the video.
Each presenter, together with the video and slides, should fill and upload the consent for video publication available below (in Italian):
We apologize with non Italian speakers, the document is in Italian for compliance reasons. It is a consent which grants to the AIxIA association the right to use and publish online the video presentation. The document must be filled with name and surname (il sottoscritto), place of birth (nato a), date of birth (il), home address (residente in), postal code (CAP), city (città), phone number (n. telefono), email, date (data) and signature (firma).
The uploaded document should be named according to the following convention:
{Workshop acronym} - Paper_{number of your paper in Easychair} - Video consent.pdf
Note: the consent is compulsory in order to have the video presented at the conference.